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Noteworthy Projects

$17.5 Million Settlement


Yolivan Multimedia assisted their client in a suit against a driver and his insurance company.


Case Summary:
A teenage girl sunbathing on a North Florida beach had her head run over and de-gloved by a Toyota SUV. The driver fled the scene and was spotted on the beach days later. The driver denied any involvement in the incident. When the insurance company was notified, it failed to tender its policy limits in accordance to Florida Law. The teenage girl suffered catastrophic brain damage and was left in a vegetative state.


The Assignment:
Yolivan Multimedia created an interactive multimedia presentation for use in mediation which guided the viewers through the facts, consequences, and potential outcomes of the case. The key is that the presentation needed to be operated and viewed with or without a technician from a common household DVD player. The presentation combined video, case specific computer graphics, bulleted facts, photographs, and documents all in one package.


Mediation settlement of $17.5 million, considered one of the largest pretrial settlements in the State of Florida.

$13.5 Million Settlement


Yolivan Multimedia assisted their client in a suit against a hospital and its specialists.


Case Summary:
An unborn baby suffered severe brain injuries during pregnancy when a hospital and its maternal fetal physicians failed to properly follow and monitor the fetus with ultrasonography. This procedure would have detected blood clots in the placenta and prevented brain injury to the baby. The alleged negligence of Failure to Monitor with Ultrasonography had never been litigated in Florida prior to this case.


The Assignment:
Yolivan Multimedia created an interactive multimedia presentation for use in mediation which guided the viewers through the facts, consequences, and potential outcomes of the case. The presentation combined video, case specific medical illustrations, computer graphics, bulleted facts, photographs, and documents all in one package.


Mediation Settlement of $13.5 million

$9.5 Million Settlement


Yolivan Multimedia assisted their client in a suit involving a motor vehicle incident which rendered the victim fully disabled.


Case Summary:
A 40 year old mother of two was driving (with the right of way) past an intersection when another driver ran a neighborhood stop sign going 30 mph and initiated a collision. The defense alleged the plaintiff was not wearing her seatbelt and was speeding at the time of the incident. The 40 year old mother of two was rendered a quadriplegic.


The Assignment:
Yolivan Multimedia was first approached with the assignment of shooting a day in the life video. We created a documentary of the plaintiffs activities of daily living which depicted her full dependency of every member in the family in order to survive. We then turned our attention to creating an interactive multimedia presentation for use in mediation which would guide the viewers through the facts, consequences, and potential outcomes of the case. The presentation combined expert testimony, video, case specific medical illustrations, computer graphics, bulleted facts, photographs, and documents all in one package.


Settlement of $9.8 million, nearly 100 times more than the available insurance coverage of the offending driver.

$3.2 Million Verdict


Yolivan Multimedia assisted their client in a medical malpractice suit in court.


Case Summary:
A routine knee surgery ends in a husbands death.


The Assignment:
Yolivan Multimedia assisted counsel in creating key presentation boards for use in trial and was available throughout with support by presenting video designations and creating visuals as trial progressed.


$3.2 Million Dollar Verdict.

$2.75 Million Settlement


Yolivan Multimedia assisted their client in a defective product case.


Case Summary:
A 43 year old man with mild cerebral palsy was riding an electric scooter when the front wheel came loose causing him to be thrown over the handle bars. He suffered a serious spinal cord injury.


The Assignment:
Yolivan Multimedia created an interactive multimedia presentation for use in mediation which guided the viewers through the facts, consequences, and potential outcomes of the case. The presentation combined video, computer graphics, bulleted facts, photographs, and key documents all in one easily presentable package.


$2.75 Million Dollar Settlement.

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